Joey Delia of joins me to recap the recent Darren Doherty Regrarian Open Consultancy, talk about the Dehesa system of Spain, and an upcoming PDC at the new PRI Tipuana Farm.
Key Takeaways from this Episode:
Don't focus on tactics. Slow down, observe and embrace a more passive approach to permaculture.
Plant trees in the eroded gullies. Helps to control erosion while providing a valuable timber crop.
Use roads as catchment. Often times roads are permitable, water harvesting is not. Roads have a lot of surface area to harvest water. Use it to your advantage.
Offset other systems off of the roads. This helps to create some order for systems like waterlines. If it is buried 5 feet off of the road then it will always be 5 feet off of the road.
Consider using HDPE line instead of PVC. The fact that it is flexible might make things a lot easier. And it is probably a lot less toxic.
Embrace the thistle, it is amazing.
Read about the Dehesa system as a perennial ecosystem. So simple, yet so interconnected and productive.
Show Notes: