Paul Wheaton of joins me to talk about intentional community. Paul discusses his views and experiences with variety of different intentional communities that he has been a part of, both on the leader side, and the follower side. He talks about what works, and what doesn't.
Paul also touches on some of the projects taking place within his community on his land and how we need to help increase the velocity of permaculture.
And we discuss Paul's latest Kickstarter for his Permaculture Earthworks DVD.
Key Takeaways:
-Possibly consider the central leader model over consensus. Consensus can take a lot of time and stall projects to resolve conflicts.
-There are a lot of advantages to having fiefdoms overlaying each other on the same piece of land where each fiefdom is inadvertently helping the other fiefdoms.
-Focus on the audience that get it and stop worrying about focusing on everyone else. Focus on the 1 person out of 20,000 that gets it.
-Embrace a lot of failure as part of the process to move forward. It takes a lot of trial and error to ultimately achieve success.
Show Notes: