Wed, 11 May 2016
![]() Greens are big business for Curtis' farm. Both in terms of volume of product, and dollars generated for that product. His customer base, which is mainly made of restaurants, buys a lot of greens. And they pay good money for them. But like many things on the farm there is a seasonality that goes along with restaurants and the products that Curtis sells to restaurants. Typically spring is a slower time of year for restaurant sales, and thereby farm sales. Things just aren't as busy. But this year is a bit of an anomaly, because Curtis's revenue is way up for the season. That increase in revenue can be attributed to a couple things. First, he has picked up a few new wholesale customers outside of restaurants, and second, he is selling all of his customers more high value product, specifically greens. More demand, means more production, so Curtis' production of greens on the farm is way up this year. But it's not just as simple as planting more beds of greens. There's a lot of nuance involved... When the beds were planted, how far apart the successions are, when do you harvest whole beds versus halves. Logical considerations, but not always the simplest to wrap your head around. That’s what we will be focusing on in today's episode. It's currently April 26, 2016. Learn more at Support the show at