Sun, 13 November 2016
Learn more at Support the show at THIS EPISODE IS A REPLAY OF PREVIOUS PUBLISHED EPISODE. In Woody Agriculture, crops would be planted only once in a lifetime. The use of woody perennials for agricultural staple commodities production would result in little or no use of tillage, as well as the presence of a permanent cover during both the growing and the dormant seasons. Not only would this lead to a vastly lower rate of soil loss and less runoff into water supplies and aquatic environments, but there would be a reduced need for the fossil fuels consumed in plowing and tilling. In addition, use of pesticides needed for the establishment of annual plants could be sharply reduced. A further important benefit would be the reduction of soil compaction, since far fewer trips through the fields with heavy equipment would be required. Key Takeaways: Breeding: You cannot work with more than two traits at the same time. The most important trait is to have a population that actually survives. When you sell products off of your farm (like nuts) you are exporting a lot of minerals. It is important to remineralize your soil. You can use sheep and chickens in hazelnut systems to remineralize and fertilize the soil. Hickory and Pecan work well with hazelnuts. Chestnuts don't do as well given different soil pH requirements. Find the old timers growing tree species that you want to grow in your area. They may have long tested genetics suited for your area. Hazels are wind pollinated, so you don't' need immediate close proximity for insect pollination. Coppicing to the ground every 10 years can help to rejuvenate the plants. Learn more at Support the show at THIS EPISODE IS A REPLAY OF PREVIOUS PUBLISHED EPISODE.
Direct download: PVP079-REPLAY.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 3:00am PST |