Mon, 9 March 2020
This week we interview first-year farmers Quinn Richards and Theus Weiskopf of Farm Punk Salads in Portland Oregon. We’ll discuss how they got into farming, how did they start their farm business, and what that was like as a couple. We also discuss how they differentiated themselves in a crowded Portland marketplace and how starting a salad dressing business helped them stand out. You can find the Farm Punks online on their excellent website here at or find them on Instagram @FarmPunkSalads. If you’re in the greater Portland area be sure and check them out on the shelves of New Seasons, at local farmer's markets, or participate in their CSA share.
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Direct download: FSFS201_QuinnRichards.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 2:30am PST |