Mon, 23 March 2020
Today we’re talking to Buddha of Los Perros an urban farm in Malmö, Sweden. They’re going into their 5th year farming and have faced a lot of challenges recently. Despite those challenges, they are having success and growing their farm brand. Online sales are a big part of their success. They’re also bottling and selling their own value add products and selling it in their own store/cafe. You can connect or follow along with Buddha and Sofia of Los Perros Farm on Instagram @LosPerrosUrbanFarming and on the web at Check out their recently opened cafe @FlaxMalmo. Increase farm efficiency with the Paperpot Transplanter and Other Small Farm Equipment at Follow Diego on IG Podcasts by Diego Footer: Small Farm Tools
Direct download: FSFS204_BuddhaBrowett.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 2:00am PST |