"How does a REKO-ring work?
The ring is based on a closed Facebook group. The producer and consumer who want to take part apply for membership in the group he or she likes. Administrators, often a small group of consumers, approve the application from serious people and thereafter trade can begin. Normally delivery occurs every or every other week, depending on the size of the group. Delivery times are more often shorter than an hour, or producers congregate and the consumers can collect their orders from a number of producers at the same time. A producer writes a post about their product and availability on Facebook and the consumers make orders by comments directly under the post. The producers also write how they require payment." Source
You can connect or follow along with Buddha and Sofia of Los Perros Farm on Instagram @LosPerrosUrbanFarming and on the web at LosPerrosUrbanFarming.com. Check out their recently opened cafe @FlaxMalmo.
Increase farm efficiency with the Paperpot Transplanter and Other Small Farm Equipment at https://www.paperpot.co/
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Podcasts by Diego Footer:
Microgreens: https://apple.co/2m1QXmW
Vegetable Farming: https://apple.co/2lCuv3m
Livestock Farming: https://apple.co/2m75EVG
Large Scale Farming: https://apple.co/2kxj39i
Small Farm Tools https://www.paperpot.co/