Wed, 6 May 2015
![]() Welcome to The Urban Farmer show. It is week 6 of the urban farm season and it is April 22, 2015. The weather is beautiful in Kelowona, BC and urban farmer Curtis Stone is setting the farm up for the forth coming season. In this episode we talk a lot about nursery, transplanting into the field, and the concept of inter-planting. Currently on the farm transplants are going in, irrigation systems are being setup, and the end is in sight for the setup phase. Show Notes:
Direct download: TUF006-05062015.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming,SPIN Farming -- posted at: 7:41am PST |
Wed, 8 April 2015
Week 2: It's mid-March and the farm is now in what Curtis calls the setup phase. He has started selling some overwintered crops and he is adding to his restaurant customer base. This show is the story of urban farmer Curtis Stone. Curtis is an urban farmer who farms on 15,000 sq.ft. in Canada. He has been farming in an urban setting profitably for 5 years. We are going to follow Curtis on a journey through a full farm season, taking you behind the scenes each week to see what being an urban farmer is really like. It isn't always glorious, but it's real. Stay tuned, and enjoy the journey. Show Notes:
Direct download: TUF002-04082015.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming,SPIN Farming -- posted at: 7:00am PST |
Fri, 27 December 2013
Curtis Stone of Green City Acres joins me to talk about his experience as a SPIN Farmer. Show Notes:
Direct download: PVP026-12272013.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming,SPIN Farming -- posted at: 9:00am PST |