Fri, 29 May 2015
![]() Start with water, your most valuable form of capital, and retain as much of it as possible on the property in order to rehydrate the landscape. We can use efficient landscape design to control the flow of water to slow it, spread it, and sink it allowing the water to infiltrate into the soil, giving the plants water to do their work. Then nature will start building soil and creating microclimates and shade. But none of that will happen without water. Zach Weiss an ecological landscape designer from Montana and a student of Sepp Holzer joins me to talk about creating a water retention landscape. In this episode we will talk more about what he has learned from Sepp and get more into his own ideas on how water retention can have a dramatic effect on the landscape. We touch on everything from building ponds and sealing ponds to catchment used to feed dams to the three zones of any body of water. An episode for designers and homesteaders alike. See videos and other content related to this episode at
Direct download: PVP109-05292015.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 6:00am PST |
Wed, 27 May 2015
![]() In this episode we talk about acquiring new farm land. What it takes to get new land, how land deals are structured, and what information you want to know from a land owner before entering a land deal. We also discuss how you convert a conventional lawn over to a production urban farm plot. What are the steps involved? It is week 9 of the urban farm season - May 12, 2015. Show Notes: Listen to past episodes at: Increase farm efficiency with the Paperpot Transplanter and Other Small Farm Equipment at Follow PaperpotCo on Instagram:
Direct download: TUF009-05272015.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 6:00am PST |
Mon, 25 May 2015
Greywater is the most plentiful and abundant source of irrigation water we have. For those of us in dry climates, its the most sustainable option- thought often forgotten. Learn how you can install simple and affordable greywater systems that will efficiently irrigate your bountiful, productive, landscape. This talk was presented at PV2 in March 2015 by Laura Allen of Listen to more at |
Fri, 22 May 2015
![]() Scott Gallant, one of the instructors at Rancho Mastatal joins me to talk about what it takes to run a successful and profitable education center. Talking about topics like volunteer labor and getting what you pay for. We will talk about their apprenticeship program. And how the ranch is really in the hospitality business, not just the education business. Rancho Mastatal is a business, a for profit business, that needs to be financially successful to be sustainable. In a world where so many educational businesses are run on non-profit frameworks, here is one that isn't. Let's find out why and get into it with Scott Gallant.. Show Notes: |
Wed, 20 May 2015
![]() It is week 8 of the urban farm season - May 5, 2015. In this episode we take a deep dive into direct seeding. When is it appropriate, how Curtis does it, and how he optimizes his direct seeding to maximize production for yield and quality. Show Notes: Listen to past episodes at: Increase farm efficiency with the Paperpot Transplanter and Other Small Farm Equipment at Follow PaperpotCo on Instagram:
Direct download: TUF008-05202015.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 6:00am PST |
Fri, 15 May 2015
Thinking about food, ruling with it and destroying it. The next 25-50 “us” years will be critically important to the future of food. You can be on the wave of an amazing era of domestication by turning to the wilds for inspiration. A whirlwind tour of the history of food then, now and “tomorrow”. This talk was presented at PV2 in March 2015 by Joseph Simcox. Listen to more at |
Wed, 13 May 2015
It is week 7 of the urban farm season - April 28, 2015. The setting for this show is Kelowona, BC, Canada. This episode focuses on the role of the urban farmer in the community. Problems Curtis has had with people in the city and how he has dealt with them. And what skills it takes to be an urban farmer. Show Notes: Listen to past episodes at: Increase farm efficiency with the Paperpot Transplanter and Other Small Farm Equipment at Follow PaperpotCo on Instagram:
Direct download: TUF007-05132015.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 6:26am PST |
Mon, 11 May 2015
![]() Do you feel like you are the only one who cares? The only one who sees the important work that needs to be done? If you find yourself venturing into seldom-explored areas of thought and practice, chance are good you can relate. The truth is, however, that there are others like you, like us, eager to connect with like-minded folks and you may need to be the catalyst to make it happen. There is an art and science to cultivating a community and in this talk John will discuss his favorite strategies for fostering your own constituency. This talk was presented at PV2 in March 2015 by John Rife. More information on John at Listen to more at |
Wed, 6 May 2015
![]() Welcome to The Urban Farmer show. It is week 6 of the urban farm season and it is April 22, 2015. The weather is beautiful in Kelowona, BC and urban farmer Curtis Stone is setting the farm up for the forth coming season. In this episode we talk a lot about nursery, transplanting into the field, and the concept of inter-planting. Currently on the farm transplants are going in, irrigation systems are being setup, and the end is in sight for the setup phase. Show Notes:
Direct download: TUF006-05062015.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming,SPIN Farming -- posted at: 7:41am PST |
Tue, 5 May 2015
In the last regular show episode 107 with Bill Bean I referenced an upcoming webinar. This episode is a replay of that webinar - Building Quick, Convincing Business Plans That Deliver Confidence, Capital, Market Share & More was recorded on April 30, 2015. In the presentation Bill introduced proven tips, tools and techniques to help you quickly organize your thoughts into a succinct storyline that explain: - Why your initiative is needed in the market place. - What makes your approach unique and valuable to your clients? - How you will introduce your concept successfully and grow it for impact and profitability? This episode is a recording of the full webinar. The presentation part of the webinar lasted about 45 minutes and was followed by 30 minutes of questions. Show Notes: |
Fri, 1 May 2015
Many veggie and fruit growers are quick to write off home delivery as inefficient without considering the value it can add to their farm produce. For small-scale farmers whose customer base is urban, a well-structured CSA with home delivery can be more profitable and efficient than selling at the farmers’ market, and more appealing than drop-off points. In this short talk, veggie grower Jordan Marr will discuss the operation of his home-delivered CSA, and how to structure such a program to maximize the benefits to your farm. This talk was presented at PV2 in March 2015 by Jordan Marr. Jordan podcasts at Listen to more at
Direct download: A5-JordanMarr-05012015.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 6:00am PST |