Mon, 31 March 2014
I am talking to my friend Tall Paul who helped out at registration with PV1. In this episode we talk about why I did what I did when I planned out the conference and what my goals are for the future. Specific issues we touch on include: Why weren't there more women speakers? Why the heck was it at a casino? Why was it so expensive? What is a professional permaculture confernece? I talk about all of these issues and where the conference is headed. We have already started planning for PV2 which will be held in San Diego, CA in March 2015. |
Fri, 28 March 2014
Toby Hemenway joins me to talk permaculture - how permaculture has changed and how we can work more permaculture into our lives. Key Takeaways Show Notes: |
Thu, 27 March 2014
![]() Darren Doherty discusses soil mineralization, value adding on farms, and farm water systems.
Direct download: b009-03272014.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming,regrarian -- posted at: 8:01am PST |
Wed, 26 March 2014
![]() Darren Doherty walks Doniga and Eric Markegard through some basic farm design. Working with contour maps. Where to hold water in the landscape. Various uses for tree systems on the farm.
Direct download: b008-03262014.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming,regrarian -- posted at: 10:31am PST |
Mon, 10 March 2014
Dave Whitinger of All Things Plants joins me for a to chat about different [permaculture] plants that he grows. Most of these plants are class permaculture plants. They are plants that perform multiple functions within a system. Many of these are sadly considered weeds - comfrey, lambs quarter, dandelion, yarrow, mint, and more. Dave talks about his experiences with each of the plants, what functions they perform, and some of the ways that he is using the plants in hi system. Dave also talks about potato growing and how he uses plants to feed his chickens in a paddock shift system on his Texas homesite. Show Notes:
Direct download: b007-03102014.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,plants -- posted at: 8:18am PST |
Mon, 3 March 2014
Kevin Muno is on the show talking about his new start-up restoration agriculture style farm, Montado Farms. Kevin talks about why he is doing what he is doing against a lot of heavy odds - highland prices, limited water in Southern California, and he doesn't come from a farming background. He touches on all of the big issues like how do you fund a $1M farm as start-up. Kevin is approaching the farm as a business and we address everything that goes along with that - the farm business structure, raising capital, and cash flows. If you don't think anyone besides Mark Shepard is farming these types of systems, you are mistaken. These systems are starting to come on line and Kevin is one of the ones leading the ay. There are a hundred reasons that you could give Kevin on why he shouldn’t do what he is doing and why it might not work. But, I don’t think he cares about why it can’t be done, because he is focusing on getting it done. That’s what makes his story different. He doesn’t have that farming background that you would expect him to have, but he has the drive and determination to leverage the skills that he has to figure out a way to make his dream happen. Show Notes:
Direct download: PVP036-03032014.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming,business -- posted at: 1:20pm PST |