Sat, 23 November 2019
Darby answers a question about raising cows or sheep when you don't have much land. This BEST OF episode is a replay of a previous episode of the Grassfed Life Podcast - Grassfed Life Courses:
Direct download: GFL_AskDarby_MicroBeef11.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 12:00pm PST |
Mon, 18 November 2019
Molds, fungus, viruses - oh my! Depending on your growing environment you may encounter one or perhaps even all of these diseases. And what do you do once you encounter them? If there’s a small section of mold on your tray, for example, what do you do with that tray? Do you scrap the whole tray or can you harvest the unaffected part? We ask these questions with long-time grower and microgreen expert Chis Thoreau, this week, on FSFS. Learn how to start a Profitable Microgreens Business Increase farm efficiency with the Paperpot Transplanter and Other Small Farm Equipment at Follow Diego on IG Podcasts by Diego Footer: Small Farm Tools
Direct download: FSFS_189_ChrisThoreau_Disease.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 2:30am PST |
Mon, 11 November 2019
Farmer Josh Sattin from Sattin Hill Farm joins me to talk about how he built up a farm following for his new farm pretty quickly - both online and in-person with local chefs. He shares strategies for how he did that and how it has helped with sales. He also gets into the various ways he is building soil on-farm from his no-till methods to using wood chip mulch in his pathways to utilizing chickens to prepare new growing areas. Follow Josh: No-Till Growers:
Increase farm efficiency with the Paperpot Transplanter and Other Small Farm Equipment at Follow Diego on IG Podcasts by Diego Footer: Small Farm Tools
Direct download: FSFS_188_JoshSattin.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 2:32pm PST |
Sat, 9 November 2019
This BEST OF episode is a replay of a previous episode of the Grassfed Life Podcast - Grassfed Life Courses: While American Guinea Hogs are suited to a wide variety of environments and will do better than most breeds on low-grade forage, they prefer lush pastures with clover along with access to minerals, kitchen scraps, quality hay in winter, clean water to drink, access to a muddy wallow, minimal shelter from precipitation and wind, dry bedding, and perhaps a small amount of grain. They thrive where ranging and grazing is a constant activity giving them plenty of exercise. They are minimal rooters when good grazing and adequate feed is available. Learn more at
Direct download: BO_PVP086_CathyPayne.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 2:00am PST |
Mon, 4 November 2019
This week’s interview on FSFS features a season’s end reflection on a timeless topic; the challenges of farming. More specifically, the challenges unique to a small scale farm with Benny and Courtney Pino of Loblolly Farm. Specifically, we discuss caterpillar tunnels, weed pressure, and irrigation. We also address their plans for solutions to these issues coming into 2020. Follow Loblolly:
Increase farm efficiency with the Paperpot Transplanter and Other Small Farm Equipment at Follow Diego on IG Podcasts by Diego Footer: Small Farm Tools
Direct download: FSFS_187_LoblollyFarm.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 2:00am PST |