Fri, 31 January 2014
Geoff Lawton joins me today to talk about permaculture. Geoff talks about his early days in permaculture, where we are in permaculture today, and where we need to go in the future. He touches on what he has learned along the way and what he finds most valuable. Show Notes: |
Fri, 24 January 2014
Paul Wheaton of joins me to talk about intentional community. Paul discusses his views and experiences with variety of different intentional communities that he has been a part of, both on the leader side, and the follower side. He talks about what works, and what doesn't. Key Takeaways: -Possibly consider the central leader model over consensus. Consensus can take a lot of time and stall projects to resolve conflicts.
Show Notes: |
Fri, 17 January 2014
Darren Doherty presents the regrarian platform. This is Darren's introductory presentation that he gave an open consultancy in October 2013. The presentation lays out the ten key components of the regarian platform - climate, geography, water, access, forestry, buildings, fences, soils, marketing, and energy. Show Notes:
Direct download: PVP029-01172014.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming,regrarian -- posted at: 7:03am PDT |
Fri, 10 January 2014
Will Harris III from White Oak Pastures joins me to talk about his inspirational journey of converting his one time factory farm to a beyond organic farming operation that celebrates polyculture and closes the loop on wastes.
Show Notes:
Direct download: PVP028-01102014.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 6:30am PDT |
Fri, 3 January 2014
Ben Falk from Whole Systems Design, LLC joins me talk about permaculture design and what he has learned on his research site over the years. Have a good access plan for your site. Don't box yourself out. Start and maintain a clear access pattern which is based on the water flow throughout the site. Practice the mass selection of genetics. Identify the best genetics from your site by growing trees from seed. Plant as many tress as you can on a site, way closer than you would ever imagine, and cut out the ones that don't do well. Show Notes: |