Mon, 30 September 2019
Farmer and Soil Consultant James Hutchinson joins me to talk about his method for building soils on his Tasmanian farm. He utilizes minimum tillage alongside composting, cover cropping and biochar to build soil in his permabeds. He will give advice on getting soils tests and making hot and cold compost. Follow James: James' online Farm Store:
Increase farm efficiency with the Paperpot Transplanter and Other Small Farm Equipment at Follow Diego on IG Podcasts by Diego Footer: Small Farm Tools
Direct download: FSFS_182_JamesHutchinson.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 2:00am PST |
Sat, 14 September 2019
Breeding Trees, Restoring a Piece of America’s Past and Establishing a Piece of Our Agricultural Future with Phil Rutter
This is a replay of a previously aired episode - #57. NOTE: BADGERSETT HAS SINCE SHUT DOWN BUSINESS OPERATIONS. PLEASE DO NOT ORDER ANYTHING FROM THEIR COMPANY. An interview with Phil Rutter of Badgersett Research Corporation. We talk about why perennial based woody agriculture is important and how chestnuts and hazelnuts fit into that. We also talk a lot about plant breed and using mass selection to find genotypes that have the traits that you are looking for. NOTE: BADGERSETT HAS SINCE SHUT DOWN BUSINESS OPERATIONS. PLEASE DO NOT ORDER ANYTHING FROM THEIR COMPANY.
Follow Diego on IG Small Farm Tools and Microgreens Supplies Support my content while you shop at Amazon:
Direct download: BO_PVP57_PhilRutter.mp3
Category:permaculture,agriculture,farming -- posted at: 3:24pm PST |